So this is a little weird for me because I’ve never really done any writing other than in English class. I’m going to be spitballing so your just going to have to roll with it and see how it goes. I'm trying a lot of new things this year. I've started a podcast, cooking show & a media management company called Vita Media. My goal is to create a brand around my self so I can achieve my dreams. I thought I might as well try to create an article so here we are. I might as well use my time in high school with no expense to build myself something successful.
In today's society, social media can help an individual in so many ways but when it comes to a person's mental health it is the worst. I understand that there are so many different ways that someone can compare themselves to other people but once you change your mindset your life will change. You can start by stopping yourself from looking at people like looking at Kim Kardashian or any other mega-successful person and you change the way you’re looking at life. You realize that it's preposterous to compare yourself to them. Once you step out of that mindstate and look at the other things that are affecting you you can change what’s happening in your life. Letting small things like extra weight or your ears being too big to stop you from happiness is a waste of your time.
My experience with insecurity started from a young age, I’m proud to say now at 16 I've annihilated any insecurity that I had by overpowering it with confidence and a strong self-reflection. When I was younger I had some fairly bad teeth, In Kindergarten I had a black tooth from smashing my face into a teeter toter. Once that tooth fell out and my adult teeth came I was lucky enough to get a large gap in my two front teeth. This stopped me from smiling. The way I got over it was by making the situation funny, Instead of feeling sorry about my teeth (which I later got fixed) I made it something that could entertain. It became somewhat of an ongoing joke in 6th to 8th grade. I had the London Look! I made my biggest weakness something that I could use to deflect people's negative comments. Once I made peace with what I thought to be my biggest flaw I finally began to smile again!.... Braces also helped me.
The best way to do that is like I said just laugh. If you can make peace with the insecurity it will disappear. Find a way to overpower your insecurities because it can change your life. life becomes so much better and I know I’m young and "haven't lived long enough" for most adults to take this serious but I've had to grow up with social media. It's a much different ball game so please don't let age be a reason to forget my message. Insecurity is a mindset. Mindsets can be completely changed, as long as you realize that those small insecurities don’t matter in the long run. You can start by putting yourself in a good position mentally and physically you can finally let go of the toxic insecurities. you can get back to enjoying your life
thank you for reading this article I’m not sure how it’s gonna do but I don’t care about the numbers. I’m just posting it here because I want to create some content that might help someone! You can check out my other Shows on youtube @ Carson Gregory. Click the link below
If this helped you in any way or you just want to talk to send me a message! I'd love to talk to you! Thanks for reading